
About project

The A4L_ACTIONS project seeks to elevate research and innovation (R&I) excellence across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) by addressing systemic challenges in scientific culture, recognition, careers, innovation, and policy. Building on the achievements of its predecessor, Alliance4Life, A4L_ACTIONS aims to implement targeted actions that drive institutional reforms, foster scientific collaborations, and enhance the international competitiveness of research-performing institutions in the region.

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The mission of A4L_ACTIONS is to establish a thriving environment for research and innovation in CEE through the adoption of best practices, targeted training, and policy engagement. The project will focus on creating an R&I landscape that is conducive to excellence, where institutions can attract top-tier talent, form sustainable industry partnerships, and contribute effectively to the European Research Area (ERA).


  • CULTURE: Building a Culture of Excellence in Science
    • The project will cultivate a culture that fosters scientific excellence by embedding international evaluation standards and professionalizing research management and administration at health research institutions in CEE. It will promote Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) and support the integration of ethical and environmental considerations into research practices. This will be achieved through piloting Green Labs initiatives and promoting open dialogues on research integrity, with the goal of embedding a culture of excellence into the “DNA” of CEE institutions.
  • RECOGNITION: Enhancing Recognition and Trust in CEE Research Institutions
    • A4L_ACTIONS will strengthen the role of CEE research institutions in European scientific networks by fostering collaboration and ensuring that CEE scientists take leading roles in consortia. Efforts will focus on utilizing upgraded research infrastructures, facilitating access to high-end facilities, and forming consortia with a strong intellectual origin in CEE. The project aims to demonstrate the capacity of the region to generate innovative ideas and establish CEE as a hub for high-quality research and development.
  • CAREERS: Nurturing Scientific Talent to Globally Competitive Careers
    • The project will develop integrated career frameworks and provide advanced training programmes to support the career development of researchers at all levels. A4L_ACTIONS will address the need for mobility, leadership training, and the acquisition of soft skills, creating a career system that encourages scientific talent to thrive. By enhancing career progression opportunities and promoting international exposure, the project will position CEE researchers for competitive roles in the global R&I landscape.
  • INNOVATION: Translating Health Research into Innovation
    • A4L_ACTIONS will build the capacity of CEE institutions to translate health research outcomes into practical innovations by fostering regional biotech and biomedicine innovation ecosystems. The project will strengthen intersectoral collaboration and engage industry representatives to co-create new value chains. It will showcase the innovation potential of CEE institutions in areas such as virology, cancer research, and diagnostic methods, facilitating the commercialisation of research results.
  • POLICY: Co-creating Supportive Conditions for Scientific Excellence
    • The project will engage with policy makers and funding providers to improve the understanding of CEE research institutions' needs and promote the adoption of best practices at the national and European levels. A4L_ACTIONS will leverage its experience with the WIDESPREAD programme to provide policy recommendations, enhance the impact of existing R&I funding schemes, and drive systemic reforms that support scientific excellence in CEE.


The A4L_ACTIONS project is designed to foster a sustainable transformation of the research and innovation ecosystem in Central and Eastern Europe. Through targeted interventions and strategic collaborations, the project will address key challenges, promote scientific excellence, and elevate the region’s profile within the broader European R&I landscape. A4L_ACTIONS will serve as a catalyst for institutional reforms, strengthening the capacity of CEE research institutions to compete on a global scale and contribute meaningfully to addressing Europe’s societal challenges.

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