Work packages
About work packages
Alliance4Life organizes its efforts through carefully designed work packages, each addressing a specific aspect of research management and innovation in life sciences.
WP1 Culture for Excellence
- Embed international scientific evaluation as a strategic management tool in CEE health research institutions.
- Professionalize research management and administration in CEE health research institutions.
- Foster Responsible Research & Innovation in CEE.
Description of work:
- Institutional self-assessment of R&I excellence and research culture
- Peer-evaluation of scientific quality
- Research Management and Administration (RMA) Academy
- Concrete steps and plan to tackle the sharing of best practices on research integrity
- Design and implement the Green Lab concept as the strategy for the environment and research sustainability
WP2 Collaboration in Health Research & Innovation
- Enrich European scientific networks by fostering stronger linkage with and among research institutions in CEE.
- Enable formation of consortia with a participant core and intellectual origin in CEE.
- Explore the potential of ESIF-funded Research Infrastructures to forge new scientific collaborations.
Description of work
- Mapping pockets of excellence in CEE
- Thematic Mini-Conferences with matchmaking
- Seed Fund
- Open Access to Core Facilities
WP3 Careers in Science and Beyond
- Develop integrated career frameworks fostering global competitiveness of CEE researchers.
- Implement advanced training programmes on scientific, transferrable, and soft skills to support career development of talented researchers in CEE.
- Foster mobility as the key element in scientific careers.
Description of work
- Career system innovation and implementation
- Skills Academy for Careers in health R&I
Early stage researchers’ retreats
WP4 Competences in Innovation for Human Health
- Build competence and connections of CEE health research institutions for translation of health research outcomes into innovation.
- Foster development of regional biotech industries in CEE.
Description of work
- Workshops for Technology Transfer professionals
- Industry Relationship Platform of Alliance4Life that will involve: a) Access to pockets of excellence; b) Access to Core Facility and related services and c) Round tables with industry
WP5 Closing the Gap
- Increase the impact of dedicated WIDESPREAD measures on participation in Framework Programmes.
- Improve the understanding of the CEE health research institutions´ needs among policy makers and funding providers.
- Enable spill-overs of best practice to national research systems and communities in CEE.
Description of work
- Policy feedback on WIDESPREAD measures
- Engaging with professional networks
- National Trigger Events
- Comprehensive Communication Strategy
WP6 Project Management
- Coordinate the consortium and project activities by fostering efficient communication and collaboration among partners, supervise the activities, foresee and tackle potential barriers.
- Manage all administrative, financial, technical and legal aspects of the project.
- Manage the project to reach the expected and planned results and impact with the proposed budget and timeline.
Description of work
- Alliance4Life Focus Groups
- Project governance
- Reporting to European Commission
- Advisory Group
- Scientific Committee