
Work packages

About work packages

Alliance4Life organizes its efforts through carefully designed work packages, each addressing a specific aspect of research management and innovation in life sciences.

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These work packages focus on areas such as advancing human resources and mobility, enhancing research evaluation, strengthening technology transfer, fostering open science practices, and supporting core facilities. Additionally, they ensure effective project coordination, dissemination, and the development of best practice guidelines to create sustainable outcomes.

This structured approach allows Alliance4Life to tackle complex challenges systematically, enabling member institutions to achieve tangible progress and drive lasting impact in the European Research Area.

WP1 Coordination & Management


The overall goal of WP1 is to coordinate the consortium and manage the project activities to reach the planned results and impact within the proposed budget and time at the highest quality.

  • To set-up the operational bodies of the Alliance4Life – Focus Groups and Strategy Board;
  • To set strategic objectives for Alliance4Life Focus Groups through the operation of Strategy Board;
  • To coordinate and oversee the project activities to be carried out;
  • To perform overall administrative and financial management of the project;
  • To take care of legal and contractual management (compliance of the project activities with Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement);
  • To establish effective internal communication procedures and channels inside the consortium and to maintain the communication with the European Commission.

Description of work:

  • Kick-off meeting: Nomination of Focus Group members
  • Strategy Board meetings
  • Project management and communication
  • Project reporting


WP2 Assessment & Benchmarking


WP2 aims to review and structure our understanding about barriers and peculiarities in health research & innovation that encountered by the participating institutions located in less performing countries, benchmark these issues against well performing EU member states and allow exchange of knowledge and good practice.

  • To elaborate the criteria that will be used for identification and evaluation of typical constrains, challenges, needs, interests and opportunities in partnering institutions in respect to the agenda of FGs;
  • To identify main challenges and peculiarities of the health research & innovation faced by involved institutions and their researchers;
  • To sort out determinants of success in health R&I, especially “soft” underlying measures needed for (synergic) funding to result in excellent R&I performance

Description of work

  • Identify determinants of / barriers to success
  • Assessment outputs collection, integration and benchmarking
  • Identifying health R&I best practice and peculiarities for each participating institution


WP3 Strategy & Policy


WP3 is set to exploit the knowledge of issues and barriers and ways to overcome them gathered through WP2 in formulation of Alliance membersstrategies and to achieve informed and efficient policy making in the less performing countries.

  • To identify joint issues and steer FGs operation to address commonly occurring peculiarities. identified in WP2;
  • To create individual strategies and action plans proposing transformative changes and effective approaches leading to strengthening the R&I capacities of involved institutions in order to help close the research & innovation divide in the EU;
  • To supply policy makers with examples of good practice in management of synergies between structural and investment funds and for creation of synergies with H2020 applicable for formulation of new policies relevant to FP9.

Description of work

  • Policy implications of good practice inventory
  • Creation and update of Alliance strategies


WP4 Training & Embedding


The overall goal of WP4 is to ensure the long-term sustainability of Alliance4Life through set-up of clear framework for its operation and monitoring and to pilot the working tools of the Alliancetrainings and workshops for FG members and mutual support of scientific networking.

  • To enable effective knowledge sharing in domains of expertise covered by Alliance4Life Focus Groups;
  • o develop Alliance4Life Strategy for its future long-term operation beyond the frame of the project and to introduce set of performance indicators for tracking the long-term impact of the Alliance activities;
  • To facilitate development of competitive collaborative research networks among less performing countries by engaging the scientific community.

Description of work

  • Organization of training tailored for FGs
  • Engaging scientific community
  • Formal establishment of Alliance4Life


WP5 Outreach & Spill-over


The overall goal of WP5 is to raise awareness about activities and results fostered by Alliance4Life among relevant stakeholders inside and outside of the project (including policy makers, external opinion leaders, funders, ethical, regulatory authorities, industry and the general public) and to create spill-over effects especially in low performing Member States.

  • To enable state-wide spill-over of best practice in health R&I in the low performing countries facilitated by Alliance4Life members as knowledge hubs and transmitters;
  • To support the effective communication and dissemination of the existing information among the project’s partners regarding the aims of the project, as well as to communicate any project results to the relevant audiences;
  • To enable effective communication with policy makers in the field of healthcare research, including the European Commission, media and the general public.

Description of work

  • Communication and outreach strategy and planning
  • Alliance4Life website and institutional webpages
  • Logo, social media, dissemination materials and other communication
  • National roundtables on best practice in utilization of R&I funding synergies


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