The impact of ten years of EU Widening measures in data

11 Jan 2024

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"As 2024 begins, we assess the success of attempts to close the EU’s east-west research and innovation gap. There is progress, but a decade on, disparity persists and alongside beefed up EU measures, national R&D funding needs to increase"

"This year marks a decade since the Widening participation and spreading excellence programme was first introduced to Horizon 2020 with the goal of improving the research and innovation ecosystems in the framework programme’s low-performing countries."

"‘Widening measures’ were initially given a budget of just under €1 billion to help eligible countries network with leading research institutions, learn from top scientists, gain experience in call applications and running projects and attract and retain skilled staff. Essentially, for them to get more out of the framework programme and to close the research and innovation gap."

"Widening was expanded when Horizon Europe began in 2021, with research ministers agreeing to ring fence 3.3% of the €95.5…"

By Thomas Brent

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