New Event: Strengthening Leadership Competencies

Alliance4Life and the University of Ljubljana invite you to a training exclusively for scientists in leadership positions and administrative managers from Alliance4life member institutions. The training session titled "Strengethening Leadership Competencies" will take place at the University of Ljubljana in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 22-23 October 2019.
If you are interested in attending the training, please complete the registration form HERE no later than 15 September 2019. The number of places reserved for Alliance4Life members is limited to 20 (each institution is allotted one scientist and one administrative manager to attend). Scientists from Alliance4Life member institutions can apply for Alliance4Life travel grants HERE. For administrative managers, please contact the main Alliance4Life contact at your member institution. Administrative manager travel costs will be covered from their employer’s Alliance4Life travel budget. Application acceptance will be confirmed after the registration deadline. Please feel free to contact Tina Štukelj at if you require additional information.