National Trigger Event, Early Stage Researchers´ Retreat and RMA Academy will be held in Vilnius

11 Jan 2023 RMA academy Trigger event

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This January Vilnius University will become a place for professionals from Life Sciences field to gather together.

On 24 January Alliance4Life trigger event titled Research assessment reform: What to expect and how will it affect us will take place at Vilnius University. This event will gather professionals not only from Alliance4Life member institutions but also guests from the European University Association, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport in Lithuania, the Research Council of Lithuania and many others.

On 23-24 January, Early Stage Researchers Retreat will gather PhD students and postdocs from Alliance4Life partner institutions for a joint retreat full of learning and knowledge sharing in Vilnius. Researchers will have to present their research results, hold poster sessions and receive feedback and guidance from senior researchers regarding their scientific work and achieved results. The young scientists will also participate in an interactive board game called Publishing trap. This game allows participants to explore the impact of scholarly communications choices and the role of open access in research.

On 22-25 January, Research Management and Administration (RMA) Academy will be held at Vilnius University to expand knowledge about science and business cooperation, grant writing, management of research projects using online tools and other important topics.

More information: 

Program of Early Stage Researchers´ Retreat 

Program of Research Management and Administration (RMA) Academy 

Program of ‘‘Alliance4life“ trigger event ‘‘Research assessment reform: What to expect and how will it affect us?“ 

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