Mini-conference, Community meeting and Tech. transfer workshop were organised by Medical University of Lodz

A4L_ACTIONS Thematic Mini-conference with Matchmaking Event HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT
24-26 April 2023
Health and Environment were the main subject matters of the international mini-conference held at the Medical University of Lodz on April 24-26, 2023 within the project: Alliance for Life Sciences: From Strategies to Actions in Central and Eastern Europe (funded by the European Commission within Horizon 2020 programme).
Researchers from universities and research institutes from Central and Eastern Europe discussed the impact of the environment on human health and the programmes of sustainable development deployed in their institutions. The accompanying matchmaking workshops, in turn, provided an opportunity to strengthen the cooperation and business relations as well as discuss ideas for joint initiatives and research projects.
More information about this event including photogallery and press release to download can be found HERE.
A4L_ACTIONS Project meeting
26-27 April 2023
On April 26-27, 2023 the Medical University of Lodz hosted a project meeting held within the international Alliance4Life_ACTIONS project. The representatives of 12 partner institutions arrived in Lodz: the consortia from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. The event was also participated by the representatives of local and national authorities, Lodz universities and research institutes. The on-line streaming was provided for all those who were interested in the event but could not attend it live.
More information about the project meeting and its speakers including footage of the project opening session can be found HERE.
A4L_ACTIONS´ training program to facilitate transfer of health research results to market
27-28 April, 2023
Alliance4Life (A4L), in close collaboration with the European knowledge transfer association (ASTP), has developed a detailed training program for the knowledge and technology transfer professionals at A4L member institutions. The program consists of three workshops. The second workshop was held on 27-28 April, 2023 at Medical University of Lodz, Poland. The two day training focused on technology marketing and negotiation techniques.
More information about TT workshop in Lodz can be found HERE.
The third training event, covering technology valuation and technology assessment, is scheduled for January 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia.