A4L 2023 Academy and UL MF Pedagogical Conference

8 Dec 2023 Mentorship workshop

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The series of lectures was opened on 20.11.2023 by Prof. Dr. Marko Robnik Šikonja from the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics of UL, who revealed the biases, obstacles and opportunities hidden in machine learning and the ethical dilemmas that arise from it. He reminded us of the steps in the preparation and execution of research work that we need to pay particular attention to, and how we can or should not interpret the results we obtain from and with AI and machine learning.

On Wednesday 22.11.2023, Dr Marko Grobelnik from the Jožef Štefan Institute gave us an insight into the world of ChatGPT, showing us how we can use AI tools to increase our work efficiency and how these tools can help us in our research, academic and, ultimately, artistic endeavors. We laughed at a poem about the 10 most common medical conditions, admired a Michelangelo-like statue depicting these conditions, and learned how ChatGPT can help us summarise large amounts of text, prepare exams and other educational content. 

At the end of the lecture series, Associate Prof. Dr Maja Rus Makovec from UL MF took us into our inner worlds and shared with us the ways and tools we can use to manage stress. In the workshop, which took place on 23 and 24 November 2023, we learned how the ability to self-reflect can help us regulate our inner states and improve our relationships, what impact habits and empathy have on us, and how to build psychological resilience.

The source of the article can be found HERE.

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