Alliance4Life´s Board Members Interviewed by Science Business

15 Mar 2021

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Today an interview with Alliance4Life´s Coordinator Zlatuše Novotná and Deputy Chair Toivo Maimets was published. The interview reflects the Alliance4Life´s policy supporting Widening Participation & Strengthening the ERA instruments of Horizon Europe, which they believe to be a step forward in closing the Research & Innovation divide in Europe. However, the main message is that these instruments and funding for close-to-market innovations should not put aside substantial funding for quality basic research in Central and Eastern Europe. “If you don’t have good fundamental research, then there is nothing to apply,” said Toivo Maimets.

“Our goal is to submit projects originating from Central and Eastern European know-how”, said Zlatuše Novotná. “Our research institutions and universities are working on projects to attract young, talented scientists working abroad back to their home countries“. She also shared her opinion that ERA & Widening package is “quite big and complicated“ as well as the experience with the Structural funds in the Czech Republic.

“We have blamed Brussels but we should ask what we could do ourselves,” said Toivo Maimets. “Horizon Europe is probably the last framework programme in which Estonia will be eligible for Widening. Our aim in the Widening programme is to reach a point where it’s not needed anymore,” said Toivo Maimets.

You can read the interview HERE.

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